Over 150,000 sold worldwide since February 2013.
Have you collected all of ANT and BEE's learning adventures?
With Ant and Bee, Angela Banner pioneered interactive shared reading with the learner concentrating on and reading out the red words, while the parent or older sibling reads the story printed in black.
"These were the books that taught me how to read." Anthony Horowitz
"Lily really concentrates on her reading now because she knows another red word is coming."
"When reading, Paul's granddaughter lays claim to all her red words."
"The ANT and BEE stories provide an alternative to 'phonics learning'."
"Nothing gives us greater pleasure than one more girl or boy [being] inspired to read." Egmont UK
"I don't often write reviews, but I have been so thrilled by the way this book has captivated my reception age child that I felt I had to! He loves it that he has to join in on every page and the repetition of words soon helps him recognise them easily .. just perfect for those in the early stages of learning to read."
"The keen 3 year old had already enjoyed 2 others at home and I ordered this one to amuse her when I am babysitting and to provide a bit of nostalgia for me. I remember the books from our school library and I am now 60. It has lovely graphics and a simple story with surprises."
"Don't let your 3-4 year olds grow up without ANT and BEE - and especially KIND DOG. There is much magic in kids' books but ANT and BEE are in a little oasis of their own."
"My 3 year old will sit through the 100 pages easily and often asks for 3 ANT and BEE books in a row. They are easy to read and make it easy for children to learn words. Also, perfect for popping in your bag to keep kids occupied if you're unexpectedly delayed whilst you're out and about".
"These and the other ANT and BEE books have got a certain retro charm to them, and the idea is that on one double page spread the reader will learn a new 3-letter word with the aid of a picture, then on the next page there'll be a short section of story featuring that word. The word will be in red and the rest of the story in black, so the grown-up or older sibling reads the story (in black) with the reader picking out their word to read which is in red."
"They can be a little bit repetitive and protracted maybe for the adult reader, but then, they're not aimed at them! They're brilliant at teaching your readers words to recognise on sight rather than having to rely on sounding out every word using phonics. They're also very handy, about the size of a coaster, so they fit neatly into a handbag or a buggy bag and so they can be whipped out for a quick practice when someone needs to be entertained."

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